Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy Please Note: We request 48 hours notice to cancel appointments. Please be aware that clients who do not provide at least 48 hours notice, when cancelling appointments, will have the session(s) counted and reduced from the total number or coaching or consulting sessions purchased. You will be charged for missed sessions which are not rescheduled in accordance with this agreement, except in exceptional circumstances (at the Coach’s discretion). If you are late for a session, the session will complete at the scheduled time. If you are more than ten (10) minutes late for a session, the session may be cancelled and billed. The session may be refused if cancellation has not been made, as required by this agreement. Cancellation or rescheduling of up to three (3) or more sessions may result in the company cancelling services, removal from programs, and no refund.
Contact Details
2630 West Broward Boulevard ste 203 1009, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA